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How to Remove Oil Stains on Butterfly Springs?

Aug. 10, 2021

The butterfly spring is an elastic element with several peaks and valleys on a thin metal ring. Generally, the purchase manufacturers are used in the occasions where the load and deformation are not large, and the spring stiffness is required to be small and the axial preload is required. Butterfly springs are particularly suitable for applications that require weight reduction and applications that are restricted by small installation space. Typical applications include aerospace, precision machinery, hydraulic seals, and high-end motors.

Corrosion Resistant Disc Springs

Corrosion Resistant Disc Springs

Compared with ordinary spiral compression springs, butterfly springs can save at least about half of the space when bearing similar loads; it can reduce the overall volume of the equipment and save costs; it is very suitable for places with limited axial space; it can be changed by changing the thickness of the material, The width can be made into two-layer or three-layer overlapping butterfly springs to meet the requirements of different loads. But in the process of using, we will find that the butterfly spring will be stained with oil. What should we do at this time? Don't worry, Bearing Preload Disc Springs Supplier will teach you.

If you are in a situation where the manufacturing conditions do not allow, such as some small and medium-sized butterfly spring manufacturers, some treatment agents will not be available, then you can pour the butterfly spring into the water with washing powder and soak it for more than ten minutes, And then use hand to pump their surface, clear oily stains.

If the butterfly springs are supplied in large quantities and the customer regulations are stricter, you can use water reducing or clearing agents to clear the surface of the butterfly springs. The butterfly springs cleaned with the clearing agent will make Corrosion Resistant Disc Springs.

The surface gloss is better. If you simply wash the surface with detergent, the surface of the butterfly spring has a dark light, and the color is not very obvious.